Sabtu, 02 Juli 2011

Amateur Radio
Amateur Radio in Indonesia
Home Indonesian Version

The only one amateur radio organization in Indonesia is ORARI, "Organisasi Amatir Radio Indonesia" (Indonesian Amateur Radio Organization) established on July 9, 1968 as decided by the first Indonesian amateur radio conference. The conference was also the first ORARI national conference. The legal basis for ORARI as well as for amateur radio activities in Indonesia is a government regulation called as Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) No.21/1967 stated by the Indonesian government on 1967.

A national conference is held by ORARI every five years to review the organization's constitution, even though there has not been important change made to change the basic regulations stated by the government on 1967. Until today, ORARI has established six national conferences. The sixth conference was held in Yogyakarta, on July 9, 1996. The nomination and election of ORARI Headquarters officers are established in the national conference.

The changes on ORARI constitution, i.e. on the structure of the organization, were made in 1989. A National Advisory and Supervisory Council was made to support organization activities. The councils were established on the organization structure at the central and regional levels. The main objectives of the council is to give advises and to supervise the ORARI officers, at the central and regional levels. The council members are nominated and elected by the ORARI National Conference for a-five-year period.

Internationally, ORARI is under the IARU (International Amateur Radio Union) Region III. Indonesia is also a member of ITU (International Telecommunication Union) Region Asia and Oceania. In Indonesia, ORARI is under Deparpostel (Departemen Pariwisata, Pos, dan Telekomunikasi) or the Department of Tourism, Post, and Telecommunication. Finally, you could see the logo of ORARI is as follows :