Kamis, 07 Juli 2011

Amateur Radio Software

40 Meter Beam
Design JPOLE Antenna J-Pole designing software
Design Attenuator
Miniprop A propagation prog for DOS
Remote antenna Impedance Measurement
Antenna Maker Antenna design program for Quads, Yagis, Inverted Vees, J-poles, Trap Dipoles and more
YA-Yagi Yagi designing software
How to Build a Dipole Antenna KWARC Dipole Calculator
Yagi Designing software MMANA
Easy Simulation
Designing software for engineering students
ATR 2000- HF Transceiver



Java Calculators for Amateur Radio Experimenters
L-C Calculator
L-C-F Calculator
IARU Calculator
Resistor Calculator
Decibel Calculator
IC 555 Designing Calculator
Dipole & Inverted V Calculator
Antenna Trap Calculators
HF Filter Designing Calculator
Ohms Law Calculator
Line of sight calculator
Air Core Coil Calculator
Great Circle Calculator
New Resistor Calculator
Metric Conversion Calculator
Zener Diode resistor calculator
Single Layer Coil Calculator
Capacitor Colour Code Calculator
400 Years of Calendar Calculator
LED Calculator with application circuits
Morse code to Text Translator
Design your own J-Pole with this Calculator
Op.Amp. resistor/Capacitor value calculator

Amateur Radio Theory
Radio Box is a suite of 14 programs-in-one for the Radio Amateur or for anyone studying Amateur Radio. The programs range from beginner to advanced. An extensive Windows Help File is included which has tutorials on what each program does. In most cases examples are given. Radio Box will run on Windows 95/98/NT (Size 1mb ) Download

CW Player Version 2.3 is free software for learning and training the Morse code. It features many possibilities : playing live texts, text files, the alphabet, the main HAM abbreviations, the Q codes. It plays random series of characters. Typical lessons are proposed that you may modify to your purpose. CW Player requires Win95/98/ME and a sound card as minimum configuration. Download

WaveGen - will read a text file and convert into a Morse Code wave file which can be played on your computer. I have tested this program and it is brilliant. I created a text file (plain text) using notepad. I typed in the text I wanted converted to CW and saved the file as 'test.txt'. I then converted test.txt to a wave file with the following commands from the DOS prompt. wavegen test.txt /10,10,730/ when I pressed enter test.txt was converted to a CW wave file with an average speed of 10 WPM, a character speed of 10 WPM, at a tone of 730 Hz. You just have leave DOS for windows and double click on test.wav and windows will play it. I prefer using WinAmp as my wave player you can get WinAmp for free from www.winamp.com. Note: in the command line given above test.txt is in the same directory (folder) as wavgen. All other speeds are supported. Download the file wavgen.zip - You will need WinZip to unzip it. Download

These two animations of a water system to demonstrate how a capacitor can smooth a pulsating voltage A diaphragm pump delivers pulses of water and the mechanical capacitor (a sealed chamber) stores water to provide a smooth flow at the outlet at all times. The mechanical capacitor provides water to the outlet during the NO PUMP PERIOD - just like a capacitor delivers output during the NO VOLTAGE PULSE PERIOD View or download these animations (Animated GIF).